Thursday, May 31, 2007

Episode 18 - Private Equity

This week’s POWERcast features a look at the growing problem of unregulated private equity. The USW’s Ron Bloom helps explain what it means for employees and their pensions. A group of Steelworkers retirees talk about living life after work when your pension is under constant attack. At the end of the broadcast we reveal the Creep of the Week, a true example of private equity gone bad. Listen

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Episode 17 - Trade

This week’s POWERcast features an interview with journalist and author David Sirota, who gives us an update on the important trade debate going on in Washington , D.C. We also hear from Congresswoman Betty Sutton of Ohio and the AFL-CIO’s Bob Baugh. What do lead-laced baby bibs and the health of our country’s children have to do with international trade? Marilyn Furer, a concerned grandmother from Illinois , helps connect the dots. Listen

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Episode 16 - Alternative Energy = Jobs

This week’s POWERcast tells the story of how a former steel town is not only revitalizing itself and creating good-paying jobs but helping address high gasoline prices with environmentally-friendly businesses. It’s a living example of what the Steelworkers has been advocating through the Blue-Green and Apollo alliances and other efforts. And at the end of our broadcast, we’ll reveal the Creep of the Week, a big company that’s taking a lot of heat for questionable decisions. Listen

Monday, May 7, 2007

Episode 15 - We report from a rally against Verizon and its union-busting ways.

n this week’s POWERcast, we report from a rally against Verizon and its union-busting ways - a perfect example of why the nation needs the Employee Free Choice Act. Hundreds of Steelworkers’ joined members of the CWA and IBEW to protest as the telecommunications giant held its annual shareholders’ meeting in Pittsburgh. Speakers include AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasure Richard Tumpka. We’ll also bring you a report from a Workers’ Memorial Day ceremony, where USW President Leo Gerard makes an eloquent argument for improved worker safety. CWA President Larry Cohen helps make the case against this week’s Creep of the Week, a pair of top-level managers who have made an exorbitant amount of money while blocking rank-and-file employees from bargaining for a better life. Listen

Episode 14 - A report from the Steelworkers’ Rapid Response legislative conference in Washington, D.C.

In this week’s POWERcast, we bring you a report from the Steelworkers’ Rapid Response legislative conference in Washington, D.C. More than 700 of USW’s most active members gathered to lobby legislators on behalf of working people and to learn more about important issues, including the Employee Free Choice Act and international trade. This episode includes interviews with noted author William Greider, Amicus leader Graham Goddard, Rapid Response Coordinator Tim Waters and USW President Leo Gerard. At the end of the broadcast, we reveal the Creep of the Week, a retail giant exercising corporate greed at its finest. Listen